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<?xml version="1.0"?>
      <p ns="0" title="Checklist: Features of articles in teen magazines or e-zines" snippet="--&gt; In our case it should also contain (hyper)links to the meaning of words that are new to us. &#10;E-Zine&lt;b&gt; ... &lt;/b&gt;" size="935" wordcount="132" timestamp="2012-05-28T23:39:28Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="How to add words to the word bank" snippet="# Add the word and its German meaning to to word bank.&lt;b&gt; ... &lt;/b&gt;" size="295" wordcount="51" timestamp="2012-03-20T11:02:15Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Chat room" snippet="@Jani: I guess you mean &quot;Memoiren&quot;, right? You find this meaning for &quot;Memoiren&quot; at [;lang=de&amp;searchLoc=0&amp;cmpType&lt;b&gt; ... &lt;/b&gt;" size="6512" wordcount="1038" timestamp="2012-05-28T23:24:26Z" />