1. Try to find out on your how to work with the wiki.
--> Make use of the toolbar that you can find above the text field.
--> You can also make use of the sheet ("Wegweiser zur erfolgreichen Arbeit im Wiki") you have just received by your teacher.
--> Or follow the web links listed on this sheet.
--> From now on you are supposed to list each new word in the "word bank" in alphabetical order!
2. Use the wiki to introduce yourself by clicking on your username (you find it on top right) and designing your own account.
You are now the author of an e-zine and you have the chance to introduce yourself to your readership. Tell the readers what
your field of interest is and why you like writing about it. (Do not forget about the extension of the "word bank"!!!)
3. Illustrate your user account by adding pictures that characterise yourself best. Also, add a picture that charakterises
your field of interest. If you work for the column "Books and Films" for example you can add a picture of your favorite book or film.